
We want to educate and inform others about unethical AI practices so that you have the confidence, knowledge and resources to ask the question ‘But what about disabled people…’ whenever discussion about AI and age, gender or race discrimination appear on your business agenda.

We are building this resource library to share a wide range of information on disability discrimination in AI which is free to download and share. If you are involved in leading change on disability ethical? AI and would like to contribute to our resource library, please do get in touch.

Man with autism posing for a portrait
Employment Risks
How AI-powered HR tech, automation and surveillance threaten the life chances of persons with disabilities.
Education and Training
How AI surveillance technologies in education disproportionately harm disabled people.
Disability Data and Discrimination
Addressing the interaction between disability data bias and discriminatory treatment.
Legal and Regulatory
What expect from regulators and advocates beginning to bring disability discrimination into the Ethical & Responsible AI debate.
Young man with Albinism wearing a headset
HR Tech Risks
Thought leaders from business, science and academia set the scene on ‘unethical’ disability AI for AI developers, influencers and buyers. 
Good Practice Guidance
Global guidance for AI developers, HR practitioners and buyers on the responsible use of AI-based tools in work and education.