Employment Risks

Man with autism posing for a portrait

How AI-powered HR tech, automation and surveillance threaten the life chances of persons with disabilities

The challenges of navigating AI recruitment systems as a candidate with Tourette’s

The challenges of navigating AI recruitment systems as a candidate with Tourette’s. Job seeker Serena shares her insights into the …
Logo in blue saying Tourette's Hero

Ableism And Disability Discrimination In New Surveillance Technologies

Ableism And Disability Discrimination In New Surveillance Technologies – Authors – Lydia X. Z. Brown, Ridhi Shetty, Matt Scherer, Andrew …
Ableism And Disability Discrimination In New Surveillance Technologies

AI Powered Unfair Recruitment by Susan Scott-Parker OBE HonD

AI Powered Unfair Recruitment by Susan Scott-Parker OBE HonD. Recruiters are increasingly using AI Screening to recruit people who match …
business disability international logo

Objective or biased – The questionable use of Artificial Intelligence in job applications

‘Objective or biased – The questionable use of Artificial Intelligence in job applications’ Research experiment and report conducted by BR …
Objective or biased – The questionable use of Artificial Intelligence in job applications

AI Powered Disability Discrimination: How do you lip-read a robot recruiter

AI Powered Disability Discrimination: How do you lip-read a robot recruiter’ lecture by Susan Scott-Parker OBE HonD, for New York …
AI Powered Disability Discrimination: How do you lip-read a robot recruiter